Our Warm Welcome, To Our BNP Group!!!

Fear Transforms To Dare "N" Dare To Manifest!!!

Our Warm Welcome, To Our BNP Group!!!

Fear Transforms To Dare "N" Dare To Manifest!!!

Narasimha Prasad Bonda

Founder, Executive Chairman & CEO.

Our BNP® Group

Dear Sir,

The Application of our Business Models are Quite Unique of their Kind, it’s for sure our Business Models Studded Credibility would be Factorials, of The World’s thus far Witnessed and Manifested Economics in all Means. Unveiling Our Credibility, In Virtue Of Manifesting Micro Economics, by Enabling all Sorts of Capita Public at Wealth Creation with 99% Certainty, those Manifests Trading of our Corporate Currency listed At Globally Stock Markets. Unveiling Our Credibility, In Virtue Of Manifesting Macro Economics with 99% Certainty, for all Sorts of Capita Nations Witnessed GDP’s, will be Manifested by Few Economic Leaps of Our Corporates, to those Nations, who are Associated to Our Group.

It’s Our Promise, once Our Models are Witnessed, there Would be Nothing to Pronounce, Other than Enjoying the Success of our Incredible Economics and in Incorporating an Remarkable Economic Era… At The Nations across The Economies Globally. It’s our Cordial Invite & Warm Welcome of our Association, ahead as our Promoters or as our Business Associates of Our Group, to Emerge Ahead at Our “Wealth Creation” … Across…

Thanking you, Regards, BNP…

Economist BNP’s Ideologies “N” Visions!!!

Dear Sir,

Our Warm Welcome, to The Spectrum of Strengths in The Earth Orbital at Our BNP® Group, The Renewed BNP® Corporates. We would be The One and Only One, among 7.9 Billion and Above of The Global Population. With About 3 Decades in Business and At The Stock Market Exposures, out of which Exclusively With 1.5 Decades and Above of Brainstorming & Research on The Economic Cycles “N” Corporate Life Cycles at The Nations across The Economies Globally.

We had Come Across thus far, with our Awarded Intellectual Properties from Intellectual Property India, Of our 37 Registered Trade Mark BNP® out of 44 classes across Global Sectorss. We will be Privileged in Honoring Your Association, for enabling Ourselves to Manifest all our Strengths, with the Credibility of our “Economic Inventions” and with The Entrusted Credibility of our BNP® Group, along with Narasimha Prasad Bonda as the Strategist & Economist.

Ever Since Ages of Ancient Past, we Had been Witnessing the Same Old Life Cycles at The Corporates with “Dual Digit Growth Rates” of per annum. With the Same Old Economic Cycles at The Respective Nations GDP’s’ across The Economies Globally and at The World’s GDP, were Evolving with a “Single Digit GDP Growth Rates” per annum.

With which, The World’s Best of The Best Brains got Bugged Up “N” Got Tired, in Witnessing and in Manifesting the same Old Economic Cycles at the Earth Orbital!!! As well, ever Since Then of Ancient Past, we Had been Witnessing and In Manifesting, Lots “N” Lots of Economic Cycles and Lots “N” Lots of Economic Eras… across The Economies Globally.

FOR THE MATTER OF FACTS. It’s being the Toughest Tasks Ever in Resisting The Existing Economic Cycles “N” The Existing Corporate Life Cycles, in Virtue of Leaping Ahead at The Nations across The Economies Globally to the New Orbit of Growths, which is Been an Unaddressed Challenge Yet, At The Earth Orbital. Even to The Best of The Best Brains of The World, Even to The Best of The Best Universities of The World, Even to The Best of The Best Economists of The World.

Even to The Best of The Best Research Institutions of The World, Even to The Best of The Best Brains Precedent, to The Presidents of The Emerged Nations or Even to The Senates of The Emerged Nations of The World. Even though, we Had Witnessed Lots and Lots of The World’s Wondering Inventions till date, which Enabled The World to Evolve and Made The World Alive.

As we all are Very Much Aware, the End of Anything, by any Means It Cannot be Called as The End or The End is Not Ended Yet, in The Sense every End is Always For a New Beginning and it’s For a New Start to Start With, For Manifesting something Incredibly Immense!!! Which Had Left Us with no Other Option, other than In Virtue of Incarnating Something incredible!!! OUR USP!!!

Our Credibility Is, By Mapping Of Our Group’s “Triple Digit Growth Rates”, On The GDP’s’ Of Our India, On The Emerged Nations GDP’s And On The World’s GDP

With The Credibility of India Inc.!!! BNP®. With The Credibility of our Economic Invention and with The Entrusted Credibility of Our BNP Group, Ever Since Then at The Inceptions of Our BNP® Group, it’s Our New Beginning, at The End of The World thus far Witnessed and Manifested Eras… Its First of its Kind and Quite Unique of Its Stature in Unveiling Our Credibility, in Virtue of Manifesting Triple Digit Growth Rates per annum, on Our Manifested Initial Public Offer [IPO].

This will be Unveiled and Manifested forever and ever, Under the Parent Company of Our BNP® Group. This will be Unveiled and Manifested even then, There’s No Business Space and There’s No Business Scope in Any Sector and in Anywhere across The Economies Globally. This will be Unveiled and Manifested forever and ever, with a never-ending Phenomenon, Till and Then The Evolutions of The Earth Orbital are Hindered and Halted. OUR USP!!!

With The Credibility Of India Inc.!!! BNP®. Unveiling Our Credibility, in Virtue of Manifesting “N” Incredibly Leaping Ahead, of our Group’s Economic Evolutions, by Mapping our “Triple Digit Growth Rates” on The GDP’s of Our Indian Economy and on The GDP’s of The Emerged Nations across The Economies Globally. In Those Nations we Unveil and Manifest our Stock Market Capitalization of Our Corporate GDP, at The Emerged Stock Markets of The Emerged Nations and on The World’s GDP, directly By Our Group’s Corporate GDP. All These will be Unveiled and Manifested as Our Group’s Corporate Monopoly, at Each and Every Time we Unveil and Manifest our Economic Leaps!!!

With The Credibility of India Inc.!!! BNP®. For Substituting and Substantiating, The World thus Far Witnessed and Manifested Corporate Life Cycles “N” Economic Cycles in Leaping Growths at The Nations across The Economies Globally, Ahead Incredibly!!! In Virtue of Re-Creating and Re-Defining the World thus far Witnessed and Manifested Economic Eras… to be Incorporated “N” Manifested as Our BNP Group’s New Economic Era… Will be Incorporated “N” Evolve as BNP’s Era… Which will Evolve Forever and Ever and For the Lifetime of The Earth Orbital!!!

With The Credibility of India Inc.!!! BNP®. Though we are in 21st Century, Ever Since Ages and Centuries of Ancient Past, we had Been Witnessing Lots and Lots of Wonders and Wonder Inventions at The Respective Nations across The Economies Globally. All These Wonders were Being Manifested Even when, The Growths Rates “N” Economic Cycles at The Respective Corporates were Manifested with Dual Digits and The GDP’s’ of The Respective Nations were Evolving with Single Digit per annum.

With The Credibility of India Inc.!!! BNP®. Which had Left Us with no Other Option, other than in Unveiling “N” Manifesting The Credibility of Our BNP® Group’s GDP per annum with Triple Digit Growth Rates!!! With which, we will be Landed in Harvesting Wonders on our Wonder Lands and in The Nations, we Unveil and Manifest our Business Endeavors.

With The Credibility of India Inc.!!! BNP®. By Unveiling The Credibility our BNP® Group’s Manifestations, with the Credibility of Our Triple Digit Growths Rates per annum, on Our Manifested IPO’s, by The Parent Company of Our BNP® Group. This will be Unveiled and Manifested as Group’s Corporate Monopoly, Forever and Ever, with a Never-Ending Phenomenon for The Lifetime Of The Earth Orbital. Which was Never Earlier and will be Manifested Forever and Ever in The Nations we Unveil and Manifest our Business Endeavors, across The Economies Globally. Till and then The Economic Evolutions of the Earth Orbital are Retired and Halted.

The Earth Orbital’s, The One and Only Corporate Currency “BNP®” can be “Legally Tendered” in Virtue of Manifesting Our Organic “N” In-Organic Growths, to The Tune of Infinite in Value and to the Tune Infinite in Volume. This will be Evolved “N” Manifested as Our “BNP®” Group’s “Corporate Monopoly”, Even after Taking into The Consideration of, The Currencies of The “Emerged Nations” and of The “Emerging Nations” across The Economies Globally. As well, Even After Taking into Consideration of The World Witnessed 6,500 and Above of Cryptocurrencies in Existence as on September 2021, Lite Coin, Bitcoin and etc. across The Economies Globally.

The Earth Orbital’s, The One and Only Corporate Currency “BNP®” is Entrusted “N” Directly Integrated with The Credibility of Our 40 Re-Creations and Re-Defining’s’, which were Never Earlier, with which Our “BNP®” Group will be Landed in Incorporating 40 “Corporate Monopolies” Even for The Lifetime of The Earth Orbital. Just by Leveraging Our Credibility, with no Other Option we will Landed in Introducing “N” Incorporating 40 “New Sciences” in Economics, in The Nations across The Economies Globally Only for Manifesting “N” Harvesting “Economic Wonders” in Our “Wonder Lands” !!!OUR USP!!!

It would Be a Great Honor to Our BNP Group in Teaming Up and Building at Associations, Acquaintances of The Best Brain’s’, HNI’s’ and Corporates across The Economies Globally. We will be Privileged in Exhibiting all our Above Credibility and all our Above Unaddressed Strengths, to be Manifested Conventionally. There are Lots and Lots of Left Over Challenges and Unaddressed Strengths, all those will Addressed in our Personal Interactions and Manifested Conventionally.

Our BNP® Group’s, The Seven Continental Specific Corporate GDP-PPP(Currency), Will Be Unveiled and Manifested Conventionally. For The Creation of Micro and Macro Economics in Virtue of Creating, the True Means of Value Additions to The GDP’s’-PPP’s’(Currencies) of The Nations across Global Economies, those who are Associated and Integrated to Our Group. Just with One Personal Interaction to Exhibit all of our Strengths, for Addressing Conventionally, looking forward, Thanking You, with best Regards...
Narasimha Prasad Bonda

(Strategist And Economist)

Unveiling Our Credibility, In Virtue Of Manifesting Our 40 Re-Creations And 40 Re-Defining’s Of Our BNP® Group!!! OUR USP!!!

With The Credibility Of India Inc.!!! BNP®. With the Credibility Our BNP® Group it’s first of its kind Introducing “40 New Sciences” to the Earth Orbital, that’s by unveiling our 40 Re-Creations and 40 Re-Defining’s’, for Manifesting and for Incorporating 40 “New sciences in Economics”. which are Quite Unique of their Kind and Quite Incredible at their Stature, all our 40 Re-Creations and all our 40 Re-Defining’s were never earlier Even in the Historic Past at the Nations across the Economies Globally.

Over View Of The World’s Top-4 Central Banks Manifested “Quantitative Easing” For The Revival Of The Economies Globally.

GLOBAL SCENARIOS, Only for Manifesting and Only for Addressing few Challenges, the World’s Top-4 Central Banks of the Emerged Nations Manifested Quantitative Easing (QE) to the Tune Of 103.75 Trillion USD from 2014 to 2020.That’s Federal Reserve (FED-33.7 USD), Bank Of Japan (BOJ-31.1 USD), European Central Bank (ECB-33.6 USD) and Bank Of England (BOE-5.3 USD) Respectively. To bailout Financial Institutions, for Leaping Financial Markets Ahead and for Infusing Stimulus Fund into the Economies Globally and for the Revival of the Economies Globally. SOURCE: https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/global-qe-tracker/ OUR WEB REF: WWW.BNP.GROUP

GLOBAL SCENARIOS, In Recent Times, only for Manifesting and Only for Addressing few Challenges at the World’s Top-4 Central Banks of the Emerged Nations Manifested “Quantitative Easing” To Bailout Financial Institutions, for Leaping Financial Markets Ahead and for Infusing Stimulus Fund into the Economies Globally and for the Revival of the Economies Globally. But it would be our Day routine at Our BNP® Group in Addressing “N” Manifesting those Challenges, in Addition we will be landed in Manifesting 40 Re-Creations and 40 Re-Defining’s at each and every time we Unveil and Manifest Our Economic Leap’s at Our BNP® Group.

Our BNP®’s 40 Re-Creations And 40 Re-Defining’s In Leaping Economic Cycles Globally, To The Tune Of 8 To 10 Trillion USD, By Investing 40 Billion USD!!!

With The Credibility Of India Inc.!!! BNP®. The Credibility at Our “BNP®” Group is, at Each and Every Time we “Infuse Forty Billion USD” in Virtue of Unveiling “N” Manifesting of our each and every Economic Leap. With which, we will be Landed in Manifesting “Eight to Ten Trillion USD of Growths” in Leaping the Economic Cycles of the Stock Markets at the Nations across the Economies Globally. We will be landed in Manifesting “Three to Four Trillion USD” as Our BNP® Group’s Corporate GDP, with which we be landed in Empowering and in Enabling all Sorts of Capita Public to Manifest “Wealth Creation” to the Tune of “One Trillion USD”, of those who Manifest Trading on our Corporate Stocks. With which, the “Purchasing Power” and the “Spending Power” of all Sorts of Capita Public will be Incredible and Immense.

With The Credibility Of India Inc.!!! BNP®. In turn, as the “Created Wealth” to the Tune of “One Trillion USD” will be Contributed to the Nations GDP’s’ Globally, as the “Created Wealth” got to be Parked somewhere or the other by way of Savings if it’s an Emerging Economy or the “Created Wealth” got to be Spent if it’s an Emerged Economy. In Virtue of Creating “New Business Space” and in Leaping the Economic Cycles in 8 to 10 Sectors Globally to the Tune of One Trillion USD. This will be Unveiled forever and ever with a Never-Ending Phenomenon to be Manifested by the Parent Company of our BNP® Group.

With The Credibility Of India Inc.!!! BNP®. With which, the Credibility of the Respective Nation will be Differ and Differentiates, Pre and Post Manifestation of our Economic Leaps in the Nations we manifest our Business Endeavors. As well, the Credibility of the Nations across the Economies Globally will be Remarkable and Incredible, with which the Credibility of the Respective Economies will always Differ and Differentiates post Manifestation of Our BNP® Group’s Economic Leaps and by the Implementation of all our 40 Re-Creations and 40 Re-Defining’s’.

With The Credibility Of India Inc.!!! BNP®. With Entrusted Credibility of our BNP® Group’s, 40 Re-Creations and 40 Re-Defining’s will be Manifested and Implemented by its Own, in the Nations we unveil and manifest our Economic Leaps, with which, the Credibility of the Respective Nations will be Incredible and Immense. The Credibility of all our 40 Re-Creations and all our 40 Re-Defining’s are being the “Manifestos” which were Being Left as Unaddressed Challenges at the Senates of the Emerged Nations, at the United Nations, at the International Monetary Fund, to the World’s Best of Best Economists and at the Best of the Best Universities of the World, even to the best of the Best Brains Heading the International Monetary Fund [IMF], even to the Best of the Best Brains Heading the World Trade Organization [ WTO], even to the World’s Best of the Best Economists or even to any of The Best of Best Brains in The World. As well, all our 40 Re-Creations and all our 40 Re-Defining’s will be Evolved as our Corporate Monopoly for the Lifetime of The Earth Orbital.

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